Sunday, March 12, 2006
mmm hmmm...
If that bloody dog does NOT stop its periodic high pitched bark. I will be forced to go out there, find where it lives and then bitchslap it one.
I guess I don't do real well on no sleep huh.
So. Here it is nearly eight am. With the whole day ahead of me. Wonder what I will do with it. Really should do some cleaning up around here...*looks around*...meh. Maybe.
I am half expecting a visit from my mother and her sister. Bloody hope not. Might make a phone call later to head them off. That's if I can get father being the internet whore that he is will have the phone line all tied up until at least eleven am. Hmmm so
that's where I got it from.
So, I tried that blog mad became kinda annoying to view the same blog four times in the one short session...funny that it was a christian spouting blog...wonder if 'someone' was trying to tell me something. Bloody hard to type with your elbows because yer fingers are attempting to gouge out yer eyes.
Anyway, as I can still
see. I was unsuccessful.
Yesterday afternoon I had to stop my nose from sliding off my face and perching on the brick wall overlooking the neighbours yard. They had a barbie happening...frig it smelled good...ouff fried onions...gets the drool happening every time. I miss not having a barbie’s not like I don’t actually OWN a bbq...but I like it when it comes with the inbuilt cook...preferably a little fat bastid of a one. Oh well, I was forced to satisfy myself with just snorting up the wafts.
If they dare to have another one tonight. I will have to kill them.
After they have cooked it...naturally.
Posted by apositivepessimist ::
4:29 pm ::
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